Californian charity SMOKELESS, a section 501(c)(3) organization, provides victims of home air pollution — the biggest environmental cause of death — with a clean cooking set-up for preparing meals without harming their health. To make the solution economically sustainable, the charity also trains the victims to use the life-saving set-up to make premium quality preserved foods for local customers. Therefore, once established, the SMOKELESS KITCHENS do not depend on ongoing subsidy or export. SMOKELESS charity successfully lifts women out of the cycle of poverty into respectful healthy life.
Consumption footprint and exponential growth of the world’s population are the root causes of the environmental crisis. Raising people out of poverty by empowering women is the proven fastest way to level off population growth. With empowerment comes freedom of choice, with choice comes self-worth and with self-worth comes equality. As a result, women choose to have fewer children and the birth rate falls.
No mother should pay with her life for cooking for her family. Yet globally, more than 3 billion people, 40% of the world's population, depend on polluting open fires for preparing meals. Women and children suffer the largest health consequences, because it is mostly women who, surrounded by children, cook. Because firewood is rapidly becoming scarce, they burn other biomass such as crop waste or dried dung, but also plastic trash. Daily, they are inhaling smoke and toxic chemicals, which annually cause 4 million deaths. Put in perspective, the death count from HIV/AIDS is about 1 million people and from malaria it is about 600,000 people.
Many efforts have been made to solve the problem by introducing clean biomass burning stoves. But these novel stoves, unlike the stone or mud open fire pits, cost money, which the victims do not have, because they do not participate in the market economy.
Californian charity SMOKELESS, a section 501(c)(3) organization, provides disadvantaged women with clean kitchen set-up for preparing meals without harming their and their children’s health and the environment. To make the solution economically sustainable, the charity trains the women to use the SMOKELESS life-saving kitchen to make premium quality preserved foods & personal care products for well-off local customers. Therefore, once established, the SMOKELESS KITCHENS do not depend on ongoing subsidy or export.
SMOKELESS clean kitchen solution, complete with wash station and clean burning stove, combines familiar, affordable and widely available technologies with a complete suite of educational materials designed with empathy for limited education and cultural specifics.
To reach the needy, SMOKELESS charity delivers its help via SMOKELESS KITCHENS , which are operations central to the poor regions. Their sole purpose is to implement the mission of SMOKELESS charity. SMOKELESS KITCHENS follow a proprietary standardized operations framework, which allows them to only employ local disadvantaged women without need for expensive expatriates. The first SMOKELESS KITCHEN was established in Nairobi in Kenya to serve the East African region.